Thursday, March 16, 2023

MPEC Visit Walking To Wichita Falls With Bluebonnets

The morning trek, this morning, was to MPEC (Multi-Purpose Event Center) to locate the location of a meeting taking place next week. 

MPEC is close to Wichita Falls, the manmade waterfall. MPEC is in Wichita Falls, the town.

So, I walked from MPEC to Wichita Falls. One never knows if Wichita Falls will be turned on, or not falling. As you can see, water is falling over the falls.

Dirty looking water.

On the way to the falls I came upon something I have rarely seen in Wichita Falls.


The State Wildflower of Texas.

 I am not totally sure these are bluebonnets, but if they are not, they are a close relative.

Further south, in Texas, in wildflower season, one comes up massive displays of bluebonnets in multiple locations.

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