Friday, March 3, 2023

Nature Communing At Flood Free Lucy Park After Yesterday's Deluge

Yesterday's nature communing at Lucy Park was under a mostly clear blue sky.

But, by the time I left Lucy Park a storm was brewing. Soon after returning to my abode the storm was done brewing and was spewing lightning bolts, hail, rain and wind.

The rain continued for hours. By late afternoon a moat surrounded my abode.

By the time the sun finished yesterday's illumination duty the sky was beginning to return to being blue.

By the time the sun arrived, this morning, to begin its daily illumination duty, the sky was totally blue, with nary a cloud to be seen.

And so, this morning, I ventured back to Lucy Park, expecting to possibly find the park in flood mode. 

Well, no flooding was found, but the Wichita River is flowing a lot more water than it was yesterday, as you can see, above, via the view, looking south, from the middle of the Lucy Park suspension bridge.

So, March at my Texas location has roared in like a lion, with more roaring predicted in a few days...

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