Thursday, March 2, 2023

Lucy Park Pagoda Blooming Before Thunderstorm Comes Booming

 At 11 this morning, arriving at Lucy Park, the sky was blue, which you see photo documented above. The weather prediction was for thunderstorms to arrive around noon. I scoffed at this, thinking no way.

And now, back at my abode, at half past noon, thunder is booming, lightning is striking, and the outer world is looking mighty stormy on this second day of the third month of 2023.

Just a sec, I will go take a pic from my kitchen window vantage point, hoping to manage to photo document the hail hailing, or a lightning strike.

The road has become a river. A moat almost surrounds my abode. But, the photo did not manage to photo document either the hail or the lightning, but did manage to photo document how we went from that clear blue sky a few minutes ago, to the above dark drippy scene.

I forgot to mention, at the photo at the top, of the burned-out Lucy Park Pagoda, signs of life have appeared, with flowers blooming through the fire flamed ground around the former Pagoda.

This storm today is likely a sign of a wild wet thundering March month now underway...

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