Monday, February 13, 2023

Pleasant Walk Around Sikes Lake After Pleasant 2023 Super Bowl

It was back to my neighborhood Sikes Lake I ventured on this second Monday of the second month of 2023, for a fast walk around the lake.

With the outer world warmed up, and with no wind blowing, it was back in shorts and t-shirt for today's communing with nature.

Later today, well, tonight, rain and thunderstorms are on the weather menu. With wet dripping possible for tomorrow, too.

My Super Bowl party this year was super. I made four pizzas, from scratch. Best pizzas I have ever made.

And for the first time in memory the actual game that comes with the Super Bowl held my attention clear til the end.

More often than not I lose interest in the Super Bowl game and go off to do something else, requesting that I be informed when a commercial break happens. 

There were a few amusing commercials during this year's Super Bowl. But, it seems the Super Bowl commercials are not as entertaining, or surprising as it used to be back when the Super Bowl commercials became a special thing, like when Apple introduced the Macintosh. I think that was it.

Oh, and, speaking of Apple, I liked the Halftime Show.

Seemed dangerous, those floating platforms. Had OSHA been consulted? I did not remember Rihanna had so many hit songs til she started singing them, bringing back the memory of hearing the songs on the radio.

And I wish that thing way too many modern singers do, as in touching themselves in a location one would think one would not touch when making a public spectacle of oneself. I think it was the late Michael Jackson who introduced this bizarre move. 

And, don't get me started on twerking...

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