Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Nephew Jason's Rowboat Welfare Check Concern Regarding Ex-Aunts

Incoming email from FNJ (Favorite Nephew Jason), along with the screenshot you see above from a KING5 out of Seattle news story about a Hood Canal Coast Guard rescue of two from a rowboat.

The text in Jason's email...

Should someone perform a welfare check on my ex-aunts?

I know sometimes they don’t make the wisest decisions.

Are they residing in the Hood Canal area year round?

It’s hard to get any info on them as of late.

My usual sources have distanced themselves from the pair.

They could have a rowboat.

A few days ago a letter arrived in my mailbox from our Favorite Aunt. In that letter mention was made of a recent mighty fine time our Favorite Aunt had with FNJ's ex-aunts, at Billy's Bar & Grill, in Aberdeen, Washington.

That is the most recent news I have regarding Jason's former aunts. Oh, and I do know they chose not to spend winter in Arizona this year, and so are at their home location on Hood Canal.

This rowboat incident is not the first time Jason has evidenced concern about his ex-aunts. Way back in February of 2017 Jason's welfare concerns pertaining to his ex-aunts resulted in two blog posts on the subject...

I suspect I shall likely be hearing more about this rowboat rescue incident...

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