Monday, February 20, 2023

Chilly Windy Nature Communing Lake Wichita

I opted for Lake Wichita Park for my nature communing today. Yesterday's nature communing turned out to be chilly, with me wishing I'd worn sweatpants and a hoodie sweatshirt.

Today, when I left my abode the temperature was 69 degrees, which should have been warm enough for cargo shorts and t-shirt to keep me sufficiently warm.

But it wasn't.

A strong wind brought the dreaded wind chill factor into play. And a cloud covered sky blocked any solar radiation warmth.

In the first photo I am out on the tide flats, looking north at Mount Wichita.

From the tide flats location I zoomed in to Mount Wichita when I saw someone was at the summit. At first I thought the person had pushed a mountain bike up Mount Wichita, but that turned out not to be the case. I couldn't figure out what it was which was by the summiteer.

It would be extremely treacherous to try and mountain bike down the steep slopes of Mount Wichita.

Looking west across the Lake Wichita tide flats. Recent rain has not raised Lake Wichita's water level.

Another look at the barren Lake Wichita tide flats.

Tomorrow we are scheduled to be heated into the 80s. I should manage not to be too chilly, even if a strong wind blows...

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