Sunday, February 19, 2023

Chilly Grayscale Sunday At Lucy Park

It was back to Lucy Park, I ventured, for some nature communing, on this third Sunday of the second month of 2023.

Today's was a chilly commune with nature. The temperature prediction had predicted the outer world air being warmer than the reality of only 59 degrees.

I was expecting it to be in the 70s. 

A total gray cover of the usually blue sky made for zero solar radiation warmth.

And then you add the blustery wind and I was totally underdressed today in cargo shorts and t-shirt.

Walking fast I eventually warmed up. A little.

Under a gray sky, with zero blue above, it makes for photos which look grayscale, black and white, with clicking the grayscale filter. 

I'll click the grayscale filter on the same photo and see how close the current outer world reality matches an old black and white movie.

Clearly, my world is colorless. That should be changing by next month, with leaves sprouting green on the trees, and wildflowers adding color to the ground, with grass turning from brown to green...

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