Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year !

I found that which you see above in my email this morning of the first day of the New Year of 2023.

Sent by my Favorite Jason Nephew, who took a photo of his TV screen when Seattle's KOMO NEWS showed photos of the Final Sunbreaks of 2022, with one of those photos being a sunbreak lighting up Birch Bay.

Birch Bay is a shallow bay in Whatcom County, a short distance south of the Canadian border. Being shallow, the water of Birch Bay gets warm in summer when the sun heats up the sand at low tide, which heats up the water when the tide rolls back in.

The past two summers I have expected to be spending some time at Birch Bay. But little things like COVID have thwarted those plans.

I am now sort of expecting to be in Washington this coming summer of 2023, but am not too confident that there won't be something that once again thwarts being in Washington...

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