Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Walking Lake Wichita After Stormy Night Of Rain & Thunder

Last night's storm arrived, as predicted, with a lot of rain, lightning and thunder.

But none of the large-size hail. or tornadoes.

It was around 3 in the morning that lightning flashes and thunder booms woke me up. The booming did not last too long.

But the rain fell in amounts copious enough that by the time the sun showed up to do its daily illumination duty, I saw my regular ground route to where my vehicle parks, was flooded.

For my daily walk today I headed to Lake Wichita, curious if enough rain fell to cause water to be spilling over the Lake Wichita dam spillway.

Well, as you can see via the photo documentation, no water is spilling over the spillway.

Above we are on the boardwalk which juts out into Lake Wichita. That is the lake side of the dam spillway you see in the center of the photo. As you can see, the lake is nowhere close to spilling over the spillway.

On the boardwalk, looking northwest, across the lake, at Mount Wichita, looking like a little pimple on the horizon

In the view above we have walked the Circle Trail across the Lake Wichita dam, thus closer to Mount Wichita. Pre-drought, all that you see that is brown, was under the water of the currently shrinking lake.

Heading back, on the Circle Trail, atop the dam, that is the aforementioned boardwalk you see sticking out into the lake, in the distance.

As you can see, I was not the only one doing some dam walking today.

As you can also see, after last night's heavy-duty storm, by morning the sky was mostly clear. And the air was warmed enough to make wearing shorts the proper attire today...

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