Monday, December 12, 2022

Monday Morning Drizzly Lucy Park Walk

It was back to Lucy Park today, for a Monday morning drizzly walk.

That tree you see above looks like it might make an excellent Christmas tree. I don't think tree harvesting is likely allowed in Lucy Park.

And if it was, I still wouldn't cut down that tree, or any tree, due to the fact I have never had a Christmas tree in any place I have lived in, since moving out of the house I grew up in, which did have a Christmas tree installed every December.

When I lived in Washington you could get a Christmas tree cutting permit and drive up to a designated area in the Cascade mountains and cut down the tree of your choice. Did that many a time. It was fun. I do not know if Christmas tree harvesting is still a thing in Washington.

The drizzle is scheduled to turn to rain later today, along with possible severe thunderstorms. With conditions which can spawn tornadoes.

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