Thursday, December 1, 2022

Tacoma Snow With Theo & Ruby

Incoming snow photos from Tacoma this afternoon.

I am cold currently at my North Texas location, but it looks way colder at my old Washington location.

 Above that is the backyard of the Tacoma Trio, David, Theo & Ruby's house on M. Street in Tacoma.

That is the patio deck in the foreground, covered with snow. If all is as it was the last time I saw this location, the barbecue left of this view is the last place I successfully barbecued chicken.

And here we are seeing Ruby, and I think Theo, sliding down a hill at Wright Park, which is a park a short distance from their M. Street abode.

Here we see Theo testing whether snow tastes like vanilla ice cream.

 While Ruby laughs at Theo eating snow.

No clue what Theo and Ruby have done with brother David, who does not show up in these photos.

The start of school was postponed two hours yesterday due to the snow, and cancelled for today, due to more snow than had been predicted, falling and sticking.

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