Thursday, December 1, 2022

First Day Of December Chilly Walk Around Sikes Lake

On an ultra-chilly first day of the 2022 version of December it was to Sikes Lake I ventured this morning for a fast walk around the lake.

The phone photo does not do justice to the deep red color of the tree you see on the left.

Fall leaf colors are seeming more vibrant than the norm this year.

The phone photo does do justice to managing to capture the outer world looking cold. Cloudy, no wind, and the lake looks frozen.

There were a surprising number of people braving the cold today for a walk, or jog, around the lake.

I have been getting multiple reports from my old Western Washington home zone of snow. I am expecting snow photos of the Tacoma Trio of David, Theo and Ruby, later today. I've already seen a snow photo from Tacoma's Queen V. 

It seems a bit early for snow to be piling up on the Puget Sound lowlands. Is this a harbinger of a hellacious winter to come?

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