Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Wichita Bluff Nature Area Baby Hoodoo Hatchings

 Another chilly clear blue-sky day at my North Texas location. Today I went bluff hiking on the Circle Trail through the Wichita Bluff Nature Area.

About halfway to the bluff summit I came upon the natural rock formation you see above.

I call these natural rock formations Hoodoo Cairns.

There appear to be two full-size adult Hoodoo Cairns, with an infant Hoodoo Cairn on the left side of the closest Hoodoo. That closest one must be the mama Hoodoo, looking ready to have another Hoodoo baby, with the taller papa Hoodoo stands behind pregnant mama and the baby.

I returned to my abode, super hungry today, after the strenuous bluff hiking.

I was glad to see the chef had made BBQ pulled pork, mashed sweet potatoes and spinach... 

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