Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Blue Tuesday Nature Communing At Lucy Park

A clear blue sky has returned to my location, after Monday's all day long gray with hours of rain dropping.

So, it was back to Lucy Park I drove this morning for some nature communing. But, not in the Lucy Park backwoods zone, due going off paved trail would likely be muddy in places.

As you can see, via looking at the Lucy Park suspension bridge across the Wichita River, there is some color in some of the leaves.

But, a couple nights of freezing temperatures has not resulted in a lot of leaves turning color on their way to their eventual descent to the ground.

Some of the trees have already lost most of their leaves, such as the almost naked tree you see here.

It was 39 degrees when I began nature communing. 42 degrees now, a little past noon.

I need to go on a search to find my long underwear. I fear I am going to be needing all the help I can find to keep warm the next several months...

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