Friday, November 11, 2022

We Are Freezing In North Texas

The outer world today was too cold to motivate me to drive to any of my regular walking locations. So, instead of doing that I layered on a few layers of outerwear and wandered out of my abode to the Circle Trail.

Which would make that me shivering, whilst smiling at you, whilst standing on the aforementioned Circle Trail. 

You are looking north in this view. That gulley you see to the right of the Circle Trail is Holliday Creek. Currently mostly dried up.

The temperature was 39 degrees when I stepped outside at 11am. With the wind blowing steady at 24 mph, with gusts to 40 mph, making those 39 degrees really feel like 26 degrees.

Seems like just yesterday the outer world was heated into the 80s, because just yesterday the outer world was heated into the 80s. By late afternoon I quit resisting turning on the A/C.

This can not be healthy to go from HOT to cold like this....

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