Thursday, November 10, 2022

Cloudy Walk With Ducks & Geese At Sikes Lake

With rain and thunder in the forecast today, with a pleasant temperature in the 70s, it was to Sikes Lake I ventured today to commune with nature and the flocks of geese and ducks.

The first freeze of the season is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. A freeze should greatly amp up the coloring and falling of the leaves off the trees. 

That is the Sikes Lake Green Bayou you are looking at above. As you can see the leaves are already doing some color changing, ahead of that first freeze.

The Sikes Lake Green Bayou is at the west end of the lake, which would indicate we are looking west from the west end bridge across the lake.

Continuing on to the north end of Sikes Lake, a large flock of ducks greeted me, some in panic mode, taking to flight, others lined up like they were waiting to vote.

I am not in the mood for freezing temperatures. 

Linda Lou called me last night, from Mount Vernon, in my old home zone of Washington and told me snow had arrived, not in the lowlands of Puget Sound, yet, but the foothills and mountains already have a deep coating of snow.

Foothills and mountains with a deep coating of snow is something I do not get to see at my current flatland location....

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