Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Blue Bayou Of Sikes Lake With Roller Bladers And Thawing Turkey

The Blue Bayou of Sikes Lake was looking extra scenic today, under a bright blue sky, no wind, and the temperature in the 60s.

A higher number than the norm were enjoying the perfectly pleasant outer world.

Walkers, joggers, baby carriage pushers, bikes and I was passed by two roller bladers.

I seldom see roller bladers.

Has roller blading fallen off as an activity across the country?

Or did roller blading just never catch on in Wichita Falls?

One would think roller blading would be popular here, what with there being excellent paved trails, and, other than the Circle Trail through the Wichita Bluff Nature Area, not many ups and downs to navigate.

With the temperature being slightly warm, I must remember to check the state of thawing of the turkey I have stowed outside in a cooler. I shall go do that right now while I am thinking of it...

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