Monday, November 21, 2022

Pleasant Leaf Carpeted Lucy Park Walk With Turkey

With the outer world temperature above 50, four days before Thanksgiving, I had myself a salubrious commune with nature at Lucy Park.

I did not venture into the Lucy Park backwoods zone. Instead I stayed on paved trails, when I could see them. A carpet of fallen leaves covered the trail in many locations. 

I found a 12 pound turkey yesterday. Prior to that I had only found turkeys way bigger than I wanted. As in 20 pounds or bigger.

The turkey is currently thawing in a cooler, outside on the patio deck.

The turkey is not going to be roasted on Thanksgiving.

On Thanksgiving I'm making butterflied shrimp and haddock chowder. The turkey is going to get roasted the day before Thanksgiving. Assuming, of course, it has successfully thawed.

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