Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Overheating On Cool Walk Around Sikes Lake With Missing Horse


This morning, upon waking, the thermostat was indicating the interior temperature was 63 degrees. I lasted about an hour before switching the climate control system from cool to HEAT.

A few hours later the outer world was heated to almost 60 degrees when I drove to Sikes Lake for a long walk with the geese.

Soon upon walking I discovered I was overdressed, top-wise, with the hooded sweatshirt being one layer too many.

A couple years ago I made mention of the fact that one of the Wichita Falls Art Museum's outdoor sculptures had been horsenapped. 

The plaque, at the side of the paved trail, installed shortly before the horsenapping, still makes mention of the missing horse with the words "Apple-oosa (large horse)".

No clue why the large horse was called Apple-oosa. The large horse had works of multiple famous artists on its coat of many colors. Such as Picasso, Rembrandt, Matisse, Van Gogh and many more.

I suspect the mystery of the horsenapped horse will never be solved...

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