Thursday, September 1, 2022

Nephew Jason Taking Me Back In Time To Burlington's Berry Dairy Days

The above photo was included in an email arriving last night, sent by my Favorite Nephew Jason, also known as FNJ. The following is the explanatory text in the email...

 FUD --

At first I thought this may be your big sister with some of her clam digging friends trying to re-live her childhood....but, upon closer inspection I see the photo was dated July 4, 1939, stamped in Sedro-Woolley.

This is the only berry float that I have ever seen that was better than those constructed at 1027 Washington Avenue. Did your dad just make floats for the June Burlington Berry Dairy Days?  Or did he drag them over to Sedro-Woolley for the 4th of July parade?  

Anyway, thought you'd get a kick out of seeing this. Very few berries grown in Skagit County these days. Mostly potatoes. And a lot of the people I saw at the Walmart this morning looked like they only eat potatoes.

Hope you are staying cool.  And slim and trim. 

We are having a hot day here in the PNW.


The 1027 Washington Avenue, to which FNJ refers, is the address at which I grew up, in Burlington.

During the time frame of growing up in Burlington the town had an annual event called Berry Dairy Days.

This included a parade, with a large children's parade.

The parade gave prizes to the floats determined to be the best. 

I could only find two Berry Dairy Days float photos.

In both photos that is sister Nancy on the left, me in the middle, and little brother, Jake on the right.

The answer to FNJ's question about dragging a float to the Sedro Woolley Loggerodeo 4th of July parade, is yes, we did.

One time only.

I think it was the year our float won the Berry Dairy Days grand prize, which was tickets to the Seattle World's Fair, that that float was in the Sedro Woolley parade. My memory is blank regarding details, such as actually being in that parade, or how we got the float from Burlington to Sedro Woolley.

The last float my dad made was a giant strawberry. On wheels. With little sister, Jackie, riding on top of the strawberry. Dad was inside the strawberry, pushing it the entire length of the parade. I remember the giant strawberry getting stuck crossing railroad tracks, with people helping to get the strawberry moving again.

My favorite of all the parade floats my dad made had zero Berry Dairy theming. My siblings and I were big fans of The Flintstones. Dad somehow made a replica of Fred Flintstone's car. My brother and I did not ride in the Flintstone car, we pulled it.

With Jake attired as Wilma Flintstone, complete with lipstick and a wig. And me being Fred Flintstone. 

I know I must have a photo of the Flintstone float somewhere, but, currently, I can not find it.

Regarding Jason saying they were having a hot day in the Pacific Northwest, I Googled to see what the temperature was in Mount Vernon at that point in time.

88 degrees.

About the same temperature, maybe even a couple degrees hotter, than was the temperature at my Texas location, far from the PNW, at that point in time...

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