Friday, September 2, 2022

Leaving Lucy Park Via Suspension Bridge To Alligator Alley Alligators

 It was to Lucy Park I ventured on this second day of the 2022 version of September, for my daily commune with nature, via endorphin acquisition from high-speed aerobic walking.

Today I exited Lucy Park, via the suspension bridge over the Wichita River, then headed to the Alligator Alley section of the Wee-Chi-Tah mountain bike trail.

I assumed, with the temperature barely in the 80s, that the alligators, reptilian creatures that they be, would be a bit sluggish, with the cooler temperature slowing them down.

I was walking along fairly fast when I came to a quick stop when I saw what you see in the photo documentation.

The gator looked to be sleeping. I lingered only long enough to take a picture, and then skedaddled back across the suspension bridge to the relative safety of Lucy Park.

Where do alligators go when an Arctic blast knocks the temperature down below zero, I cannot help but wonder...

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