Monday, September 26, 2022

Cool Monday With Complex Wichita Bluff Nature Area Hoodoo Cairn

Yesterday, the day known as Sunday, I drove to Lake Wichita Park to do some high speed walking.

Upon arrival, in the shadow of Mount Wichita, I was surprised at how much the lake has shrunk, exposing a wide beach.

When I started seeing photo worthy scenes I reached into my pocket to pull out my phone. And it was not there. I forgot the phone at home. So, no photos.

But, today, the day after Sunday, known as Monday, I did remember my phone when I drove to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area to do some high speed hilly hiking.

And so, with that phone in hand, I was able to photo document the Hoodoo Cairn you see above. This may be the most complex feat of Hoodoo engineering I have come across in all the years I have been photo documenting Hoodoos.

Make note of the balance beam in the middle, teetering above a flat rock base. And above that two small rocks acting as bracing.

In all my years of seeing these type constructions I have never seen one in the process of being constructed.

The outer world temperature got down to 58 last night. It was 80 and windy by the time I got to the bluffs at around 45 minutes before noon.

The air-conditioner has not cycled on yet today. This is the first time in a long time that that has happened.

A harbinger of cooler days to come.

It is going to be so nice to be back in long pants again...

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