Monday, August 15, 2022

Shady Hot Lucy Park Walk Looking For T-Shirt With A Skunk

It was back to Lucy Park I escaped this third Monday of the 2022 version of August, to get myself some shady outdoor escape from the relentless HOT heat.

Even the shade is looking HOT in the above photo documentation. The temperature was barely into the 90s, with a cooling steady wind blowing.

I do not ever recollect looking forward to the coming cooler months to the degree I am currently anticipating the pleasant need to layer on the outerwear in order to keep warm.

Speaking of outerwear.

Someone, we shall not name, living in Appomattox, Virginia, used Amazon to try and send me the above t-shirt. This particular individual regularly refers to me as a "STINKER", hence, I guess, the skunk on a gray t-shirt.

Amazon has indicated to the Virginian that the package was delivered to my mailbox, last Friday.

However, there was no package from Amazon in my mailbox, last Friday, or Saturday, or today.

So, if anyone in my neighborhood sees someone wearing an extra large gray t-shirt, with a skunk on it, please ask them to return it to its rightful owner.

On second thought, no, just tell them to keep the purloined t-shirt.

Who knows what pathogens the t-shirt may have acquired since leaving its Amazon packaging...

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