Friday, August 12, 2022

Rolling To The Shrinking Sikes Lake Bayou

The Sikes Lake Bayou, also known as the creek which delivers the water to Sikes Lake which makes it a lake, is no longer flowing any water into the lake, which is in the process of quickly drying up, also known as evaporating.

My bike stopped at the bridge at the west end of Sikes Lake so I could take the photo you see above. As you can see, what looks to be a natural dam, but actually is a wall of dried mud, is damming any water from making its way into the lake.

The temperature was barely in the 90s when I began rolling my bike's wheel, north, on the Circle Trail, this second Friday of the 2022 version of August.

There is little cooling wind today, which makes those 90s feeling hotter.

I prefer a bit of a wind chill to be happening...

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