Thursday, August 11, 2022

A Brother Like No Other Shady Walking In Lucy Park

I drove to Lucy Park about an hour before noon, for the first time in a couple days, to do some shady nature communing whilst acquiring endorphins via fast walking.

As you can see the Lucy Park foliage does a fairly good job of sun blocking. And flowers seem to be thriving in the day after day after day of HOT heat. 

The temperature today is not scheduled to hit 100 or above. Just a nice, pleasant day, cooled to the mid 90s.

When I got back to my abode I checked the mailbox, and among what I found was what you see below.

It really is true, I am a brother like no other, and people really should celebrate my goodness, generosity, warmth and spirit.

Especially my spirit. 

I have always been such a spiritual person...

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