Friday, August 5, 2022

Revisiting Sarah Palin & The Confederacy Of MAGA Dunces

The above is a screen shot of part of a blog post from way back in 2010. Back then "Confederacy of Dunces" is what we now refer to as MAGATs. Or Right Wing Nutjobs.

Yesterday someone named Anonymous commented regarding this old blog post. I found that comment to be amusing. Which then caused me to read that blog post, again, to find there were several amusing comments made, way back then. And that blog post includes a video full of right wing nutjobs, giving us a fair warning of the utter nuttery to come in six more years.

First yesterday's comment, then the comments from way back in 2010. And click the link to the blog post to watch the video. It's worth the bother...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Sarah Palin & The Anonymous Confederacy Of Dunces":

Popular for hateful people to HATE Sarah Palin. And to hate anyone that is right, true , loving and good. After all, she’s a healthy, hardworking, God loving MOTHER , and leader. Oh, and of course she’s not on the pro abortion slaughter Campaign. She actually respects life. Loves children. Wow. The venom on this site is horrific. All to cover up the God bashing and immoral culture of the Democratic Party. I pray for you all that are so far from God. He is our only hope. We could all learn a better lifestyle with Sarah palin as a role model. For the love of God our creator—STOP THE HATRED AND SLANDER. GET ON your KNEES AND PRAY.

And now the comments from way back in 2010....

Anonymous said...
At least Ms. Palin chooses to identify herself and stand behind what she says, be it right or wrong.

Most unliike yourself, who seems to be afraid or ashamed to let your identity be known.

Of course, now you will dismiss my statement as I have chosen not to identify myself.

Identify who you are, and I will do likewise. Of course I know you won't as people like you like to hide in a cloud of anonymity so that your silly little ego trip can go on and on.

You really are a moron!

Calamity June said...
Where do you find them, Durango? These dunces like Anonymous, I mean? And he/she/it calls you a moron? This Anonymous moron is so moronic it can't figure out your identity? What is it? Two clicks to reading your name, phone number and address? That and how many people who read your blog have you met in person, thus know your identity?

Why do you publish comments from stupid people like this? I'll hazard to guess it's because you find it funny that someone as moronic as those in the Sarah Palin video is making a similar clueless comment.

Durango said...
CJ---You guessed correctly as to why I hit the publish button on Anonymous. She/he/it is too stupid to see the irony.

I also love how I'm anonymous, with how many pictures of me floating about and how many times saying where I'm gonna be at a particular time?

This particular Anonymous has been making pretty much the same comment over and over again for a few days. I think I have hit the publish button on only one.

Do you have any desire to know the identity of this Anonymous? Me neither. You can just tell he/she/it is a creepy troll. There will likely be another Anonymous comment to this comment, telling me again what a moron I am. I likely won't hit the publish button on that one. Unless I find it amusing.

Anonymous said...
Durango, you shouldn't indulge trolls like that Anonymous creep. They are a plague on civil discussion everywhere and acknowledging them only gives them attention they are craving. You probably already knew that, because I do see what you mean by the irony of this Anonymous person commenting as stupidly as all those stupid Palin lovers. I'm commenting as Anonymous. But I'm not the stupid Anonymous.
Drifter said...
Why the phony picture? Sarah wouldn't be caught with a BB gun...

1 comment:

  1. We all know by now that Durango Jones' real name is D.B. Cooper.

    Some folks think that my real name is Laredo Stone. Not true. It's Cowtown Crude.
