Saturday, August 6, 2022

Mom & Dad's 71st Wedding Anniversary With All Their Children

The photo you see here was taken July 27, 2002, at the fairgrounds in Lynden, Washington. We were there for a BIG family reunion.

Around ten years later I opened a Christmas package, and among what I found in the package was an enlarged, framed copy of the photo you see above.

At some point mom had realized this was the last time all mom and dad's children, grandchildren, and current spouses were together at the same time.

In the years that followed the closest mom came to having all her children and grandchildren in the same location was in March of 2018.

That March of 2018 I was in Arizona, when at my sister Jackie's house a pool party erupted, with brother Jake, me, Jackie, brother-in-law, Jack, sister Michele, and five of mom's grandchildren, Christopher, Jeremy, David, Theo and Ruby.

That was a fun day. I don't know why Jason, Joey and Spencer Jack weren't there. Hank Frank had not yet been born.

In that photo of the last time mom and dad had all their kids at one place, that is mom and dad sitting. From the left you are looking at Jeremy, Michele, Christopher, me, Nancy, Jack, Jackie, Jake (Jake's wife at the time, Jill) Jason and Joey.

Who would have thought, way back in 2002, that the majority of those in that photo would no longer be living in Washington, with eight in the photo moved to Arizona, including mom and dad.

I hope mom and dad are having a mighty fine happy anniversary, wherever they are today....

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