Thursday, June 2, 2022

Walk Around Sikes Lake With Sister Jackie And Wild Horses

Yesterday my Arizona sister, Jackie, walked around Sikes Lake with me. During the course of walking I asked if she was still regularly going to Maricopa to the Ah-Chin Casino.

That lead to sister Jackie telling me the wild horse herd one sees on the drive to Maricopa has gotten huge. And has morphed into multiple herds. Sporting multiple wild horse colts, this spring time of year.

I have seen those wild horses a couple times, with the herd only being 5 or 6. 

Sister Jackie sent my phone the above photo of one of the wild horse herds one currently sees on the drive to and from Maricopa.

Apparently multiple cotton fields have been turned into alfalfa fields, which the wild horses greatly enjoy munching on.

Seeing that photo got me to realizing that next month, July, it will be three years since I have flown to Arizona.

I really tire of time seeing to fly by ever faster.

I have a high school class reunion happening in July. I do not believe I will be attending. My other Arizona sibling, Spencer Jack and Hank Frank's grandpa Jake, is currently driving north, to escape the Arizona heat and enjoy seeing Spencer Jack, Hank Frank, and their parental units.

A couple days ago I was talking to one of my old school classmates, old, as in going all the way back to first grade. We pondered the possibility of a different type class reunion. Such as possibly, with a select few, doing something like going to Hawaii, or some similar tropical location.

If Lake Powell were not currently in falling water levels, drought mode, I might suggest renting a big houseboat. That might be fun. 

In the meantime my exciting outdoor walking venue options for today are Lake Wichita Park, Sikes Lake, or Lucy Park.

Or, I could go on a bike ride, because it is not being windy today. A rare occurrence, of late...

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