Friday, June 3, 2022

The First Friday Of June Dawns Wet & Loud In Wichita Falls

When I opened my bedroom window blinds this morning my eyes were struck by multiple lightning bolts in the distance. So distant I heard no thunder resulting from those multiple lightning bolts.

Two hours later what you see above is the view from my kitchen window. A downpour of rain is pouring down. You can see the downpour, but you can not see that the lightning bolts have moved closer, close enough now to have the thunder sound effect arrive soon after seeing a lightning bolt.

I looked out my abode's exit a few minutes ago and saw that rain has already arrived so copiously that I am now surrounded by a moat. I suspect I will not be leaving my abode until the moat drains enough to allow a semi-dry access to my motorized motion device, which is keeping dry under the carport.

This morning's storm was not on the menu when I checked the weather forecast yesterday. This morning the weather menu had changed to suggesting some rain with possible thunderstorming might be happening this morning.

All this water will be making for some extreme humidity when blue sky and the sun return...

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