Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sunday Walk In The Lucy Park Jungle

With the outer world chilled to the low 90s, on the way to today's predicted high of 104, it was back to the backwoods zone of Lucy Park I ventured on this third Sunday of the 2022 version of May.

The hail storm two night's ago wreaked havoc on the Lucy Park foliage, knocking a lot of leaves out of the trees. 

I have yet, this year, to see a snake slithering whilst I walk the jungle of the Lucy Park undeveloped zone.

I know there are snakes in the grass.

Last year I saw the biggest snake I've seen, in Texas, slithering near the location you see in the above photo. I am fairly certain it was not a boa constrictor. But, it looked that big.

Some possible thunderstorming is predicted for later today. I do not know if this will make it not possible to see tonight's lunar eclipse. 

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