Tuesday, May 17, 2022

HOT Walk In Lucy Park With Missing Bridge

It was back to Lucy Park I ventured, this morning, to commune with nature via doing some high speed walking.

The temperature is scheduled to get to 103 later today.

The air was chilled to the lower 90s whilst I was nature communing. But it felt way HOTTER. And humid. Blue sky is currently missing, replaced by a gray sky. Hence, I assume, the high humidity.

For a month, or two, the Circle Trail in Lucy Park has had a TRAIL CLOSED sign, which most people ignored, and walked around the sign, carefully crossing the sagging, failing bridge over a slight chasm.

Today when I got to the TRAIL CLOSED location I saw the sagging, failing bridge is no longer available for a careful crossing of the slight chasm.

I did not look over the abyss to see if the bridge had fallen to the bottom of the chasm. Either that happened, or it was removed.

Or maybe the hail storm a couple days ago knocked the bridge down.

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