Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Today's Google Memories I Actually Remember

I think today marks the first time since I have been getting emails from Google, ostensibly showing me photo memories from that particular day, that I remember all the memories. 

I remember these photo memories so well I know most did not take place on this day of March 29.

On the upper left, that is a scene in Taos, New Mexico. If I remember right it was called the Lumina Gardens. I may remember that memory wrong. To the right of the Lumina Gardens, on the upper right, I believe that is known as the Mabel Dodge house, also in Taos, near the Lumina Gardens.

This visit to Taos took place in October, not March. 

Below the Mabel Dodge house, that is the New York New York casino in Las Vegas. Below the New York New York photo memory we are looking at the Luxor pool and pyramid, also in Vegas. The stay in the Luxor also took place in October, part of the same roadtrip which saw Taos.

And then there is the lower left memory.. That would be Big Ed on his mountain bike, riding the Slickrock Trail, located near Moab, Utah.

Staying a couple nights in Moab was part of the roadtrip which included Taos and Vegas, but I do not remember taking bikes along on that roadtrip.

Oops, erase that bit about not taking bikes along. That roadtrip included an overnight stay in Silverton, Colorado. The bikes were along. Because I remember trying to ride at that high elevation, and it was brutal. We pushed the bikes up a hill, trying to reach a statue which overlooked the town. Eventually that proved hopeless, turning into a long downhill fast coast back to street level. Also, now I remember riding bikes all over Taos, including to the aforementioned Lumina Gardens and Mabel Dodge house. Also pedaled out to the Taos Pueblo.

Maybe these Google memories are providing me a valuable service, causing me to strain my memory trying to remember...

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