Monday, March 28, 2022

Back Being Mobile & Hot At Lucy Park

Til today, it had been about a week since last I communed with nature at Lucy Park.

My primary means of motorized motion was checked into the doctor's office last Wednesday, where soon it was diagnosed some major pump surgery was needed.

This morning the motorized motion device was given a clean bill of health, ready to roll, so we rolled to Lucy Park, where I wandered the backwoods undeveloped part of the park.

Due to the temperature being in the low 80s I kept an eye out for anything slithering. I saw no instances of such. What I did see was a lot more green than was seeable a week ago.

A burst of rain a few days ago, along with warm temperatures, has Spring in full breakout mode.

Including, apparently, record breaking pollen.

Yesterday, on a bike ride, I found myself having a sneezing fit due to that record breaking pollen.

Now that I am back mobile I need to go to Walmart to stock up on some supplies. That I shall do in a few hours, perhaps taking Linda Lou along for the ride...

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