Monday, March 21, 2022

Sunday At Lucy Park With First Wildflower Of The Spring

Yesterday, the day commonly known as Sunday, and on this particular Sunday, also the first day of the season commonly known as Spring, I found myself basking in 80 degree natural warmth at my favorite park in Wichita Falls, that being Lucy Park.

I wandered Lucy Park off trail, meandering through the wild parts of the park. Eventually I came upon a reliable harbinger of Spring, that being the beautiful bright yellow wildflower you see photo documented above.

It is almost like, on cue, these yellow beauties blossom into view, announcing the end of Winter and the beginning of a new, warmer, more colorful season, known as Spring.

These particular Texas wildflowers are quite useful. The greens can be used in a salad, or a stir fry. If one is able to harvest a sufficient quantity of the yellow blossoms, they can be fermented into a wine product. 

My primary parental units never sent me and my siblings out in the wild to harvest these flowers to make wine, but there was one Summer when we were sent out to pick blackberries, because mom and dad were having fun, along with the neighbors, making wine.

My mom and dad were not consumers of alcoholic beverages. I don't think they realized, at the time, that that was what they were brewing with the blackberries. 

That realization came later, when, upon consuming some of their product, mom noticed it seemed to have some sort of mood altering effect.

Such a realization did not prohibit myself and my siblings from imbibing in the product, which we had helped produce.

Because, for some reason, mom and dad had the idea that consuming such a product was healthy, a digestive aid, common among Europeans, which our Dutch ancestors were...

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