Friday, March 25, 2022

Striking Workers Won't Stop Skagit Valley Tulip Festival From Blooming

It has been awhile since I have made mention of something I read in a west coast newspaper, such as the Seattle Times, that I would not expect to be reading in a Texas newspaper, such as the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. 

That which you see above is sort of an example of such, due to the fact that there are no flower fields in the vicinity of Fort Worth. That and the concept of unions and striking is anathema to Texans who have been brainwashed into believing unions and strikes are bad things existing only in liberal, left wing, socialist, communist areas of America and the world.

I don't think a strike by the tulip field workers will much affect the month long Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. A strike won't stop the flowers from blooming. A strike will affect the flower bulbs being harvested after the blooming is done.

Go to RoozenGarde's Instagram and you will see why the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival has attracted millions of visitors to the Skagit Valley over the years.

There was some talk of me being in the Skagit Valley during this year's Tulip Festival time, staying at the Jones Family Compound on Beaver Marsh Road, near the epicenter of the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, that being RoozenGarde. Unfortunately that is not going to happen.

Currently I do not know if the previously planned trip to Washington this coming summer is going to happen. I suspect it won't.

In the meantime, I think a sufficiently warm temperature had arrived at my location, making a bike ride an enjoyable experience in a couple hours....

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