Thursday, March 3, 2022

Hot Tuesday Sun Setting Bike Ride To Sikes Lake

Last night, before the sun set on the second day of the 2022 version of March, with the temperature nearing 80, my bike's handlebars took me on a ride which eventually arrived at Sikes Lake, a location I had walked around earlier in the day.

Which would make that Sikes Lake you see the sun setting on above.

I am liking being back biking after a couple month sabbatical. 

Due to the weather reversal from last week's Arctic Blast Deep Freeze, the locals are coming out in numbers I had not previously seen, apparently eager to enjoy this sudden arrival of what seems like summer.

The Circle Trail was also being busy with bikers, joggers, walkers, dog walkers, strollers, skateboarders and scooters.

I wouldn't mind getting one of those new fangled electric scooters. They look fun...

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