Friday, March 4, 2022

Bike Takes Me To New Section Of Circle Trail In Lake Wichita Park

A few minutes past 11, this Friday morning, my bike's handlebars took me on an 11.5 roundtrip ride on the Circle Trail, exiting that trail soon after it crosses Lake Wichita Dam, rolling on an unpaved, gravel trail which circles Lake Wichita Park, eventually reconnecting with the Circle Trail a short distance before that which you see photo documented above.

A week or so ago I was at the above location and found myself surprised to find a long section of new Circle Trail had received its cement, along with two bridges crossing inlets off Lake Wichita.

Today I was surprised to find the cement connection has now been made to the existing Circle Trail. I figured they'd save making that connection til the rest of the connection to the west end of the Circle Trail was made.

But now, with this connection to the existing Circle Trail in Lake Wichita Park, once the Sidewalk Closed/Road Closed signs and barriers are removed, people will be able to have themselves a mighty fine time exploring this well-designed new section of Circle Trail.

Today did not provide the best of conditions for a bike ride. The temperature was perfect. as was the mostly blue sky. But a strong wind blew from the south, causing me roll along slowly, as in 4 to 5 mph slowly, heading south to the dam. Then upon pedaling the incline to the top of the dam, where one is greeted with a "High Gusts Area" warning sign, the wind picked up stronger, making crossing the dam even slower going.

But, the ride back north, with the wind behind me, had me and the bike rolling way faster than 4 to 5 mph. At one downhill point the speedometer indicated we were going 26 mph. Breaking the speed limit.

It looks like I am transitioning from the walking to the biking time of the year. Maybe I'll find a way to do both...

1 comment:

  1. Name the Panther Island bridges contest!

    Cowtown Crude is rude, crude, and socially unacceptable.
