Saturday, March 19, 2022

Hot Nature Communing In Wichita Bluff Nature Area

It was to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area I ventured today to do some nature communing. I parked on the parking lot at the east end of the Nature Area. At that location there is a section of giant grass between the Circle Trail and the Wichita River. This tall grass is at least twice as tall as me.

As you can see, via the sky above the tall grass, we are having a bright blue day today at my location on the planet. With the temperature toying with going into the 80s, with nary a breeze blowing. It felt like summer, not spring.

Above we have reached the first over look which looks over the Wichita River. In this view we are looking northwest.

And now we are at the same location, only looking east, where you can't quite see the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Wichita Falls in the distance.

The redrock at this location reminds me of Utah. I wonder when I will next, if ever, see Utah redrock again.

And now we are at the next overlook. This one has a covered area with picnic tables. Here we are looking east at that first overlook we looked at.

 And then at the same location I turned around to look at the view to the west. 

Looking at these photos of the Wichita Bluff Nature Area, one might think this must be an isolated chunk of land, distant from developed civilization.

One would be thinking wrong if one thought that. 

Upon making it back to the parking lot I ventured north and east a short distance to the biggest Walmart in town, hoping that that Walmart might have some items the two Walmarts I frequent more frequently have been not having in stock of late. It must be one of those supply chain issues, because today's Walmart was also out of stock.

I see a late afternoon bike ride in my future today on this third Saturday of the 2022 version of March. How the months fly by...

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