Friday, March 18, 2022

Another Proud Right Wing Nut Job Bites The Dust

We unexpectedly find ourselves to be living in interesting times.

Who would have thought, after the peaceful end of the Cold War, that we'd somehow find ourselves back fearing Russia being the world's nutjob nation?

And yet, here we are.

Way back in 1918, there was a world wide pandemic. The Spanish Flu it was called, though the epidemic began in America, in Kansas.

And now the world finds itself in a situation reminiscent of the start of both World Wars, with a pandemic mixed into the global nightmare.

And so, with that as prologue, I must admit, my nerves are on edge. My tolerance for woefully wanton idiocy is pretty much currently non-existent.

I have never had a problem dealing with stupid people. They can not help that they are stupid, born with brains unable to parse anything remotely complex.

But, I currently have zero tolerance for ignorant people. You know, those sorts who may not be stupid, but are too lazy to do that learning thing, and thus are willfully ignorant. And yet totally willing to share their ignorance.

Over and over again.

You challenge one of these sorts with what are known as facts, and they shudder. And come back with something dumb like, 'We have free speech in this country, you just can't handle anyone thinking different than you..."

No, what I can't handle is idiotic nonsense spouted as a legit opinion.

Hillary and Benghazi comes to mind. All the idiotic right wing nut job nonsense. Millions spent on investigating nothing, to finally figure out Hillary had zero to do with Benghazi, that such was a Defense Department area, not a State Department area.

Woeful, malignant ignorance. Of which I have zero tolerance.

And now let us segue to my most recent personal experience with having zero tolerance for right wing nut job nonsense. This incident troubled me greatly. I was enjoying re-connecting with someone I knew decades ago. She seemed smart, funny, articulate, easy to talk to, likeable, interesting. 

And then this happened.

On the day of Biden's first State of the Union address I was Facebook messaging the person in question, and I had myself a real painful getting to really know someone moment. What follows is the transcript of that realizing someone is a right wing nut job moment...

Me: Are you watching the SOTU in a half hour?

I can't stand Biden so I don't know if I can stomach it.

Me: Why in the world would you have such a reaction to Biden???

He makes me cringe in so many ways!

Me: What about him makes you cringe??? I don't get it. Are you listening to FOX propaganda???

Have you seen him grabbing and sniffing children and women?  It grosses me out!

Me: You were okay with Trump? But Biden makes you cringe?

I don't think I ever saw Trump sniffing anyone as they cringed and tried to step away from him.

Me: That you think you saw Biden sniffing someone in a way you found disturbing, is disturbing.  There are not numerous instances and videos. If so, show me one, or two, or three. You are totally embarrassing yourself right now and losing a massive amount of face...

Biden touching girls compilation (RAW CSPAN FOOTAGE) I saw this one a couple of years ago.

Me: Seriously? That's it? I really am embarrassed for you right now.

I can send you more if you want.  It creeps me out.  If he tried to whisper in my ear I'd probably clock him! The women and kids are always so uncomfortable and trying to lean away from him.

Me: Reading the comments to that video is the same as reading the comments on FOX. It is disturbing that there are so many clueless idiots with a warped perception of reality...

Oh, you would be considered clueless by people who feel this crosses the line. We will not agree on this!  I can tell that now.

Have you ever had anyone cross a sexual line with you?  This is a real trigger for some.

Me: Yeah, well I can tell you quite clearly that I would have zero to do with anyone so ignorant that their reality perception would find that which I saw in that video as any sane reason to demonize Biden. At the same time not having a problem with an actual offender, like Trump. That you think those clips show Biden crossing any sorta line is just disturbing....

I don't think either is right in their actions toward women.

Me: And I think you are totally off your nut with Biden....

For people that have had people cross personal boundaries this is very triggering!

Me:  Well, they should seek therapy to gain a more sane outlook on their world...

I think that he is the absolute worst president we've had for decades. Say what you will, Putin didn't pull this crap while Trump was president.

Me: You are scaring me now. And disappointing me.

Do you want me to be a free thinker or just say what you want to hear?

Me: Uh you are about as far from being a free thinker than I can imagine a free thinker being.

Well, I find that insulting!

Me: Trump was doing what Putin wanted. Weakening NATO, withdrawing from Syria, undermining American democracy.

Our economy was strong.  I paid almost twice for a tank of gas today than I did a couple of years ago.

Me: You can't actually be so ignorant that you think the president controls the price of gas???? I am outta here now, to go watch the sniffer....

I think that the president does have an impact on it.  Where is Biden most of the time?  He's not very accessible to people.  I think he's so senile that they keep him under wraps. Okay, enjoy.  Still enjoyed chatting with you even though you got patronizing with me because I don't agree with you.

Me: If you watched tonight's SOFU and still can opine that Biden is senile, well, methinks you are hopeless. And I feel this terminates any desire on my part to continue relating to you. Biden is senile. Third strike. You are out....

Wow!  Well, if that’s all it takes, okay.  That’s sad that you can’t have friends that think differently than you.  I thought we were better friends than that, I’m very shocked and saddened.

Me: Sorry. Character matters. I enjoy intelligent friends thinking differently than me, when the difference expressed is rationally based on facts. You revealed yourself to be something I am not comfortable being associated with. Nut job territory. Biden is senile. Reveals all one needs to know about you. Sorry, hope all goes well with you going forward, but it won't be with me onboard....

You have certainly revealed your character also.  You have a cruel edge that can really cut deep.  I wish nothing but the best for you and that life will treat you well.  I won’t bother you again.

Yes, I realize I said I won’t bother you again and then apparently called.  It was an accident while I was rereading your texts.

Me: Like I said. Nutjob....

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