Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Tuesday At Sikes Lake With Hoodoos, Joggers, Walkers, Waddlers & Mad Geese

With the ice and snow almost completely gone, except where snow plows piled it into lingering mountains of snow, I had myself a slip free fast walk around Sikes Lake on this 2nd Tuesday of the 2022 version of February.

I was in shorts and t-shirt mode for the walk around the lake. A strong wind made for a chill which made for extra fast walking in order to warm up.

The deep freeze appears to have sprouted some new Hoodoo Cairns at Sikes Lake, such as the balancing acts you see above, and below.

The above Hoodoo Cairns sprouted near the dam which blocks the flow of water and created the lake.

There were a lot of people enjoying the return to a pleasant temperature at Sikes Lake today. Several joggers, lots of walkers, a few waddlers.

I was chased by an aggressive goose today. I do not know what triggered the attempted attack. The monster was honking loudly and making that weird goose hissing noise whilst sticking out its tongue. I was able to quickly run away from the beast.

Tomorrow is scheduled to be warmer. Maybe it is time for my first bike ride of the new year...

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