Monday, February 7, 2022

Back To Lucy Park Finding Some Snow & Not Falling

That last time I went on a long walk was last Saturday. During that walk I slipped on icy snow and fell hard on hard cement. I thought I would end up with multiple bruises in multiple locations, but, that did not happen.

This morning Doctor McNutt diagnosed that pain from a fall such as this sometimes shows up a day or two later. I scoffed at the doctor's suggestion, and said I was pain free.

And then, an hour or two later I was doing my regular, usually pain-free yoga routine, to quickly find out I have a few sore hotspots.

I decided a walk would be extremely salubrious in my current painful condition. And so it was to Lucy Park I drove.

You can tell via the photo I took of myself that I am in pain. I can barely muster a slight gigglemug.

Lucy Park must have been plowed during the recent unpleasantness, as evidenced by multiple mountain-like piles of snow, such as you see above.

Little ice or snow remained on the paved trails. There are still patches of white in various locations. In a day or two there should be no remaining evidence that this unfortunate coating of white cold happened.

Now it is time for another dose of ibuprofen...

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