Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sunday In Lake Wichita Park Discovering New Circle Trail With Bridges

On this next to last Sunday of the 2022 version of February, what with the temperature being almost summer-like, I decided to get my daily endorphin dose by doing some fast walking at Lake Wichita Park.

Arriving at the park's parking lot I saw the tide was out, and a strong wind was making waves and whitecaps.

I walked off the Circle Trail to trailblaze the open land around Mount Wichita. Eventually I came to the location where many months ago I came upon the start of construction of a new section of the Circle Trail.

Today I decided to take a closer look at the current state of the new section of Circle Trail, and soon found myself surprised by what I found.

A short distance from the current Circle Trail I came upon rebar ready for cement. And a slight distance further I saw new trail already cemented. I figured the already cemented section likely was not too long, and so continued on to walk on it.

Soon I was surprised to come upon two bridges on the new section of Circle Trail, crossing a pair of inlets off Lake Wichita.

Above we are at the end of the first bridge, with the second bridge ahead.

About a half mile after crossing those bridges I came to the current end of this new section of Circle Trail. And so, I turned around to head back to start.

In the above photo we are on that second bridge, heading back to cross that first bridge.

In the above location we are almost back to where we started walking on the new section of trail. That is Mount Wichita hovering over the horizon, along with hovering over the parking lot on which my vehicle is parked.

Fun walk today. Went further than my norm. Tomorrow we are scheduled to get heated to somewhere in the 80s. And then on Wednesday winter returns, with the temperature not going above freezing, with snow possible.

I am looking forward to the arrival of Spring in a little over a month from now...

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