Saturday, February 19, 2022

Saturday Going To Library Takes Me To Lucy Park Finding Huge Green Blob

The morning of this next to last Saturday of the 2022 version of February I found myself in need of going to downtown Wichita Falls, to the library, to secure a fresh supply of reading material.

Since I was in the neighborhood, and sine warm air with zero wind had returned, I went from the library to Lucy Park. 

Instead of my usual walking on the paved trails, or the Lucy Park backwoods, today I opted for the cross country, off trail means of meandering about.

Doing such took me up close for the first time to one of the 'holes' that disc golfers try to throw their discs into. That is what you see photo documented above.

Continuing on I walked across a huge open space of brown grass, zero trails, and few trees.

In that huge open space I came up that big green blob of foliage which is somehow managing to remain green whilst all else is some shade of brown.

Soon after seeing the big green blob I came open a tree void of leaves, but sporting the round orangish-brown balls you see dangling like Christmas tree ornaments.

It has been nice, today, to have the temperature back in the 60s, after the past couple days of brutal cold blowing strong winds.

Incoming possible snow is in the forecast for the coming week...

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