Thursday, January 6, 2022

Sikes Senter Sent Me Mall Walking Today

With the outer world chilled to 25 degrees, with a strong wind chill factor causing the temperature to feel like 10 degrees, I did not feel like going to any of my regular outdoor locations to get some endorphins via aerobic stimulation.

So, I drove to what is called Sikes Senter. A mall. When I first saw Sikes Senter, years ago, I wondered how it could come to be that someone thought it clever to be alliterative, rather than simply call the mall Sikes Mall. Or Sikes Center Mall. Or just Sikes Center.

Years ago when a new mall came to my old home state, in the town of Tukwila, a suburb of Seattle, it was called Southcenter. At the time Southcenter was the biggest mall in the state. I don't know if that is still the case. What I do know is, if way back when that mall was named, if it was announced the name was South Senter, such would have been mocked til the name was changed.

I was over dressed for walking the over heated Sikes Senter. But I got in enough mileage to get those endorphins.

As you can see, via the above photo documentation, Sikes Senter was not too busy this morning. Half the people I did see were fellow mall walkers.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit warmer. I think I will bundle up and brace myself to walk outside, tomorrow. The day after that, or is it two days after that? A heat wave arrives, again, heating into the 70s...

1 comment:

  1. The first indoor mall I ever went to is now called The Commons st Federal Way. It was previously known as SeaTac Mall in the Seattle-Tacoma area of Washington State U.S.A. And it was on a Sunday when I visited. I almost couldn't believe that stores would be open on Sundays after growing up with the Texas Blue Laws.
