Saturday, January 8, 2022

Saturday's Shadow Of One-Armed Thin Man Walks Lucy Park

You are looking at the Shadow of the One-Armed Lucy Park Thin Man here.

On this second Saturday of the new year of 2022, with the temperature soaring into the 70s, after a brief stop at the Wichita Falls Public Library, I was off to Lucy Park for some much needed nature communing.

I soon found I was over dress in long pants. And shed the top sweater covering for a more temperature appropriate t-shirt, to have myself a mighty windy walk.

Yesterday for the first time in a couple years I did not exit my abode.

Not only was it way too cold, I was not feeling well.

I think I may have contracted an extremely mild version of COVID due to extremely limited contact with the extremely contagious McNutty Tribe, most of whom are currently going through their second or third COVID bout, including the matriarch of the McNutty Tribe, Madame McNutty, who is a constant carrier of a variety of contagious contagions.

Today, with it being the first pleasantly temperature day of the new year, I saw a lot of New Year's Resolutionists trying to lose weight via vertical movement. One guy was the most awkward jogger I've ever seen. It almost put my back out just looking at him bouncing along. 

In the above photo we are looking north, on the Circle Trail, adjacent to the Wichita River.

You can see the Lucy Park Japanese Pagoda in the distance. What you can't see is the group of people who appeared to be trying to figure out what the pagoda is doing at this location, with that figuring becoming apparent when I got within earshot. 

Apparently, because a semi-elderly lady, who appeared to be about my age, asked me if I knew the story behind the pagoda. I told her I have been trying to get an answer to that question ever since my first visit to Lucy Park.

It felt good to be out and about and feeling way better today. Tomorrow it gets cold again. I hope not to contract a new McNutty ailment...

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