Thursday, January 27, 2022

January 27 With Google Remembering My First Mountain Bike


On this day, January 27, for the first time since Google has been emailing me supposed memories of a specific day, I actually either remember all the memories, or know what I am looking at, which is a supposed memory.

I don't know why Google makes the photo look so distorted, because the original was not at all distorted, but at the upper left you are looking across Lake Meridian, in Kent, at Mount Rainier. I was staying at Clancy and Fancy's and soon after they left for their daily package delivering duties they called to tell me the Mountain was out and looking good. So, I walked down the hill to Lake Meridian, taking photos and shooting video. I will see if I can find the actual photo I took that day.

In the upper right that is my dad and me, standing in front of the wreck of the Peter Iredale, in Fort Stevens State Park on the Oregon coast.

Immediately below the wreck of the Peter Iredale is Big Tex in the Texas State Fair, in Dallas. This photo would have been taken in October, during the fair, not January.

Below Big Tex that would be me on my first mountain bike. And to the left of that is another photo of me on my first mountain bike.

And here is the actual photo of Mount Rainier, which Google badly distorted...

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