Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Escape To Lucy Park Safe Away From Winnie The Whiner

I had not been to Lucy Park for several days, and so, today, the last Wednesday of the 2022 version of January, I drove a few miles north to do some fast walking and yoga with the twisted Lucy Park trees.

It was two degrees above freezing upon arrival at Lucy Park. Little wind blowing. Mostly blue sky. This is scheduled to change as the hour of today pass by, eventually the blue sky will get cloudy, with frozen white stuff falling to the ground.

Hopefully not in blizzard mode.

I did not commune with nature yesterday. If I remember correctly the reason was it was too cold and windy to venture out.

I was in grave need of mood elevating endorphins today, what with it being the second day in a row I have been dealing with ongoing whining from the entity we will call Winnie the Whiner.

Yesterday Winnie the Whiner put a photo, on Facebook, of her hand. When I first saw that picture I thought I was looking at an extra large spring roll.

And then I made the horrific mistake of saying when I first saw this photo I thought it was an extra large, super stuffed spring roll.

Winnie the Whiner then took extreme umbrage, claiming I was saying her hand looks like a fat spring roll.

No matter how times I explained that I had said nothing about how her hand looks, that what I had said was that when I first saw the photo I thought I was looking at an extra large spring roll, it did not matter, Winnie the Whiner just kept on whining.

I really wish I was so blessed to have so little to worry about that I could spend energy whining about someone saying a photo of my hand looked like a plump spring roll.

Such whining is so unseemly, vexing and perplexing...

P.S. I shall share in this blogging venue any subsequent Winnie the Whiner's whining about plump spring rolls.

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