Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Snowy Merry Christmas From Joey, Henry & Monique


The above arrived in my mailbox yesterday. The first Christmas card to arrive during this getting Christmas cards in the mail time of year.

The card says "Merry Christmas Love, Joey, Henry and Monique."

Which would make that Hank "Henry" Frank holding a snowball.

Joey, Henry and Monique's abode is in the Skagit Flats, near Roozengarde. I don't think snow has hit the ground on the Skagit Flats yet during this snow is possible time of the year.

That looks like a big snowman standing behind Hank Frank. 

UPDATE: This morning I learned via the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that snow has fallen of late in the lowlands of Western Washington. Which would seem to render it possible that Hank Frank's snowman and snowball are recent productions. I remain skeptical though...

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