Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Fiery Tuesday Sunset Before Wednesday Morning Lucy Park Nature Commune

What you see above is what the sunset sky looked like last night, looking west, when I was getting in my vehicle in the Walmart parking lot.

The temperature yesterday started off below freezing. By the time I walked around Sikes Lake I had too many layers of outerwear on, necessitating removal as I began to heat up. The outer world was warmed to somewhere in the 40s by that point in time.

It froze again last night. But I did not make the same outerwear mistake for this morning's Lucy Park nature communing. I left the insulating long underwear at home. The temperature was a bit warmer than it was for yesterday's walk, heated into the semi-balmy 50s.

In the above Lucy Park view we are standing on the Circle Trail, looking north at the Lucy Park undeveloped zone, currently leaf-free. In a few months, well, about four months, the scene here will return to being jungle-like with green the predominant color.

But, before green returns we have a long, hard, cold winter to make it through. Hopefully without a state-wide blackout with the temperature below zero...

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