Friday, October 8, 2021

What Is Floating In The Wichita River By The Lucy Park Suspension Bridge Locks?

In the view above we are standing midway across the Lucy Park Suspension Bridge over the Wichita River.

Lucy Park was my go to location today to acquire some aerobically induced endorphins after Madame McNutty disturbed my morning yoga session with an attempt to watch the yogi via her video device.

See that string of floats floating across the river? If this was in a Pacific Northwest river I would assume some Native Americans from one of the myriad tribes which inhabit the Pacific Northwest had installed a fish net in the river. 

But, such is likely not the case in Texas, since most Native Americans were chased out of the state a long long time ago, chased to Oklahoma and New Mexico. Texas has only two, I think, extremely small Indian Reservations.

If this were a fish net what type fish would one be hoping to net in this murky muddy river?

Looking the other direction from midway over the Lucy Park Suspension Bridge...

More locks have been added since last we made note of the locks being locked to the Lucy Park Suspension Bridge.

It has been speculated that these locks on this bridge are emulating a bridge in Paris on which people lock locks. That is the Paris in France, not the Paris in Texas...

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